First review of The Proverb Zoo; or, I could get used to this

The Proverb Zoo has received its first review at Headstuff, and I would lie if I said I wasn’t delighted with it and myself.

The collection is described as “a raucous, funny and constantly surprising set of tales populated with socialist dogs, obsessive children, miraculously animated statuettes of the Virgin Mary, elderly piano tuners and shipwrecked loners”, and my writing as bringing “a Nabokovian love of a second tongue and a perspective that feels fresh and distinct from Irish, Anglo or American voices”.

This is a very kind and thoughtful review, which ends by saying that “very little is playing it safe in this collection”. Well, safe to say that I’m a very happy writer right now.





Review: Beastings, by Benjamin Myers

The cover of 'Beastings' by Benjamin Myers'.

My review of Benjamin Myers‘s brilliant Beastings is up in Briefly Noted, the short review section of the Prairie Schooner’s blog. Check it out here.

Then buy it there.

Or just buy it and don’t read what I have to say about it, you ungrateful bastards.


(Isn’t Bluemoose Books‘ logo one of the coolest in publishing?)